How to open an italian Company?
by Graziano Pignatelli.
How to open a newco in Italy?
In order to open a new Company in the italian market, it needs before check:
- shareholders features
- managers features
- activity sector features
In Italy, as many other Countries, is possible open different types of business and company, however the effects of these could be very different.
See which difference.
Generally, an italian citizen who has not troubles with law, has right to open all the type of business and company.
The most used types of business are:
- self employed - ditta individuale
- limited liability company - società a responsabilità limitata Srl
Self employed
For the self employed type is necessary that owner residing in Italy and if he is a foreigner citizen, it needs that he has a regular residence permit card.
This type of business put the owner directly responsible for its debts, in fact between owner heritage and business heritage, there is not difference.
The management of this self employed business is easier than a Company, so usually also the costs to open and run it are lower.
However, the taxes could be higher than company's, specially for the difficulty to legally discharge costs from its revenues.
Time required to open a self employed business is usually very short, normally it is from one to ten days.
To open a self employed business is required only the accountant or fiscal advisor help, who will officially register the business at all the public offices.
Limited liability Company
This type of business is a Company for which normally shareholders (quote owners) are not responsible for Company debts. In fact the shareholder heritage is not linked to the Company heritage.
In order to open an italian Company (Srl), italian citizens normally has not limitis, for the foreigner citizen is not required the italian residence, but needs check if between Italy and the nation of this foreigner citizen is guaranted the reciprocity condition. On the base of this condition, if an italian citizen can be a Company owner in the other Country, the Citizen of this Country can be a Company owner in Italy.
Later the verification of reciprocity condition, in order to open an italian llc, it needs that a Notary officially register it.
Together the Notary, also accountant or fiscal advisor help is required, in order to require the VAT number, to prepare the Company Rule and complete all the registrations at all the public offices.
To start the business, italian LLC needs that its shareholders give it a right capital. Normally this capital amount is registred in the Constitution act, but it can also be incresed later during the life of Company.
In order to manage the Company, needs appoint a Manager. This Manager, if is an italian citizen, in order to take this job needs that has not troubles with law. For the foreigner citizens, usually is required a residence permit.
The cost to open an llc usually is around 3000 Eur and it includes Notary fee and Accountant fee.
About the times, usually in order to register it twenty days are required.
In order to decide which type of business is better use to work in the italian market, needs do some checks about activity sector, owner features, amount of revenues, amount of costs.
So, there is not a choice which is good for everyone.
In case of foreigner citizens, condtions are very different from italian citizens, so for this reason is necessary found the right Professional with right knowledge, who can help the entrerpreneur to realize his targets, giving him safety and right covering from risks.
Studio Buildmark is specialized in order to open and manage new business, specially with foreigner citizens.
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In a single Studio is possible find legal advice, accounting service, paycheck service and fully assistance for any business trouble.
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Our hedquarter is in Florence, Italy.